DOT’s Park Slope One-Way Presentation

Above is a bootlegged copy of DOT Deputy Commissioner Michael Primeggia’s Park Slope one-way traffic presentation. Though the plan is supposedly all about improving pedestrian safety, you can see for yourself that it is almost entirely concerned with the movement and flow of motor vehicles and the calculation of "vehicular level of service."

In this plan you will find nothing about traffic calming, pedestrian counts the numerous activities that take place on the streetscape beyond the movement and storage of motor vehicles. You will find no attempt to measure street performance and neighborhood impact beyond the counting of cars and trucks. You will find no discussion of the transformative development curently underway in and around Downtown Brooklyn and the goals of the Bloomberg Administration’s Long-Term Planning and Sustainability initiative. And if you are looking for any response to long-standing community concerns or acknowledgement of the forward-thinking, pro-active planning that our community has undertaken over the last couple of years, you won’t find that either. All you will find here is a traffic engineer’s monomaniacal focus on moving motor vehicles through a dense urban environment. 

Given Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff’s speech at NYMTC yesterday calling for "bold and creative" solutions to New York City’s transportation problems, you’ve really got to wonder: How did City Hall even let this plan out of the box?


DOT’s Plan for Park Slope Traffic “Improvements” Confirmed

We have more details and official confirmation of DOT’s proposed changes for three Avenues running through Park Slope, Brooklyn. Brooklyn Community Board 6, which runs one of the better community board web sites out there, has posted its agenda for the next Transportation Committee meeting: Presentation and discussion of a proposal by the Department of […]
To keep making progress on traffic safety, redesigns as substantial as this protected bike lane planned for Fourth Avenue in Brooklyn will have to be implemented citywide. Image: NYC DOT

DOT Shows Its Plan to Get the Reconstruction of 4th Avenue Right

Fourth Avenue is far and away the most viable potential bike route linking Bay Ridge, Sunset Park, and Park Slope, but it's still scary to ride on, with no designated space for cycling. At 4.5 miles long, a protected bike lane would make the reconstructed Fourth Avenue one of the most important two-way streets for bicycle travel in the city, connecting dense residential neighborhoods to jobs and schools.