Coverage of Last Night’s Park Slope Meeting



Aug. ’05 Flashback: 1,200 Slopers Demand a Safer 9th Street

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and 9th St. resident Konrad Kaletsch at Dizzy’s Diner, Eighth Ave. and 9th St., August 2, 2005. That’s DOT Borough Commissioner Lori Ardito in the background wearing shades and looking none too happy to be harangued by Park Slopers demanding safer streets. Tomorrow evening the transportation committee of Community Board […]

Lander and Levin to DOT: A Safer Fourth Avenue Can’t Wait

City Council members Brad Lander and Steve Levin are urging NYC DOT to move forward with safety improvements for Fourth Avenue in Park Slope despite a vote against the proposal by Brooklyn Community Board 6. The Daily News reported today that in response to the CB 6 vote, DOT might take out some of the left-turn […]

DOT’s Plan for Park Slope Traffic “Improvements” Confirmed

We have more details and official confirmation of DOT’s proposed changes for three Avenues running through Park Slope, Brooklyn. Brooklyn Community Board 6, which runs one of the better community board web sites out there, has posted its agenda for the next Transportation Committee meeting: Presentation and discussion of a proposal by the Department of […]

DOT: One-Way Park Slope Proposal is Dead

No Land Grab is reporting that the DOT has decided to kill the one way proposal for 6th and 7th Avenues in Park Slope. In a letter to Community Board 6 (PDF), the DOT writes: NYC DOT does not intend to pursue the implementation of the proposed 6th and 7th Avenue conversion to one-way operation. […]