Panel: ‘Meeting the Challenges of Growth’

As part of its annual meeting, the New York Metropolitan Transportaiton Council will be holding a panel discussion entitled "Meeting the Challenges of Growth." The panel will include:

  • Daniel L. Doctoroff, Deputy Mayor for Economic Development and Rebuilding
  • Astrid C. Glynn, Acting Commissioner, New York State DOT
  • Elliot G. Sander, Executive Director and CEO, MTA


Panel: NYMTC Meeting on New York Transportation

"Let’s face it, the New York area is unique. It’s one of a handful of communities in the United States that must carefully consider the importance of all modes in transportation planning and programming. Roads, bridges, transit, passenger and freight rail, passenger and freight air service and freight/goods movement are interrelated and equally critical to […]

This Week: Jax Heights Street Safety, Brooklyn Gateway Panel

This week offers opportunities to speak up for safer streets in Jackson Heights, Greenwood Heights and Windsor Terrace, and central Brooklyn. In addition, Saturday’s presentation on the BK Gateway Vision Plan features a panel response from federal, state, and local officials. Here are the details: Tuesday: Join Council Member Daniel Dromm, the Jackson Heights Green Alliance, […]

Dodd’s Livability Bill Earns Praise from Local Governments

With financial reform nearly complete, the Senate Banking Committee turned its attention today to one of Senator Chris Dodd’s (D-CT) next priorities, the Livable Communities Act. Local government came out strong for the initiative to promote sustainable and integrated regional planning, with representatives of the nation’s cities, towns, counties, and regional planning organizations testifying in favor. Among committee members, […]

‘Contested Streets’ Screening and Panel Discussion: ‘What Can Be Done About Traffic in New York City?’

Following Sierra Club NYC‘s monthly general membership meeting will be a special showing of Contested Streets, a new documentary showing the way to livable, gridlock-free streets — from the Battery to the Bronx, from Staten Island to Coney Island. After the film, a panel discussion of NYC transportation issues by: City Councilman John Liu, chairman of […]

Congestion Panel Meets Amidst Q Poll Parsing

The third meeting of the 17-member Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission will be held at 2:00 this afternoon at the offices of Hughes Hubbard and Reed, 1 Battery Park Plaza (24 State St. @ Pearl St.), 10th Floor, in Manhattan. Today’s event comes on the heels of a new Quinnipiac Poll, released yesterday, that shows support […]

Robert Moses Symposium Panel: Moses and His Challenges

A panel discussion moderated by Lizabeth Cohen and featuring the authors of four papers: Henry D. Fetter, Revising the Revisionists: Public Subsidyand Dodger Stadium in Brooklyn David Michalski, Robert Moses Meets the Mighty Niagara: Aesthetic Collisions at Empire’s Edge Robert Fishman, Revolt of the Urbs: 5th Avenue Opposition David A. Johnson, Robert Moses and the […]