Panel Discussion: NYPD Surveillance

A panel discussion on the new laws restricting NYPD surveillance of public events, with lawyers Martin Stolar, Gideon O. Oliver, and Dave Rankin.

Domestic spying takes a major setback in court. Judge Haight just released his long awaited decision in the motion to enjoin police photosurveillance of demonstrations. The videotaping or photographing by the NYPD of any individual or individuals engaging in political activity must be conducted in accordance with the Modified Handschu Guidelines, and in a manner consistent with this Opinion. There are many questions to be answered, but it seems like the police have to be in uniform while spying, and should pre-register before the spying takes place.


This Week: NYPD Traffic Safety and De Blasio, Astoria Bike-Share

It’s a busy week on the Streetsblog calendar, including a panel discussion on NYPD’s traffic safety agenda and events to demand action after two young lives were lost to traffic violence. Be sure to check the full calendar for a complete listing of events. Here are some highlights: Tuesday: Transportation Alternatives and NYU’s Rudin Center are hosting a panel […]

NYPD Won’t Acknowledge Eyewitness Accounts in Death of Greenpoint Mom

Manhattan Avenue minutes after the deadly crash. (Image: Greenpoint Gazette) The NYPD continues to dispute eyewitness accounts of the events that preceded the vehicle-on-pedestrian collision that took the life of Violetta Kryzak, a 38-year-old mother and Greenpoint resident. Despite the statements of three separate eyewitnesses stationed several blocks from one another who claim that at […]

NYPD Raid Nets Bikes and Bystanders

This entry on the Village Voice Blog by Laura Conaway tells the story of an NYPD raid on parked bicycles last Wednesday night. When two residents questioned the officer in charge, they were arrested: Sparks from the NYPD’s circular saws arced through the night. Police, some in plainclothes, were piling cycles by the dozen in […]

Bill Bratton Will Be the Police Chief Tasked With Implementing Vision Zero

Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has selected Bill Bratton to serve as New York City’s next police commissioner. Bratton occupied the same post from 1994 to 1996 under the Giuliani administration and is credited with pioneering data-driven policing techniques. After Bratton left, one of the innovations his deputies introduced was TrafficStat, a system that tracked crash […]