DOT’s Plan for Park Slope Traffic “Improvements” Confirmed

We have more details and official confirmation of DOT’s proposed changes for three Avenues running through Park Slope, Brooklyn. Brooklyn Community Board 6, which runs one of the better community board web sites out there, has posted its agenda for the next Transportation Committee meeting:

Presentation and discussion of a proposal by the Department of Transportation to convert 7th Avenue (between Flatbush Avenue and Prospect Avenue) from a two-way street to a one-way southbound street and 6th Avenue (between Atlantic Avenue and 23rd Street) from a two-way street to a one-way northbound street.

Presentation and discussion of a proposal by the Department of Transportation to eliminate one northbound and one southbound travel lane from 4th Avenue (between Dean Street and Prospect Avenue) and replace them with improved left-turn turning lanes.

Thursday, March 15, 6:30 pm
Location TBD (Editor’s note: Get a big room!)

Incidentally, the March 29 Transportation Committee meeting is also a good one:

Presentation and discussion of a proposal by the Department of Transportation for improvements designed to enhance pedestrian mobility, access and comfort at the Grand Army Plaza.

Presentation by the Department of Transportation of a plan to install two-way Class II bicycle lanes and roadway markings for left-turn turning lanes along 9th Street between 3rd Avenue and Prospect Park West.

Presentation by the Department of Transportation of a plan to install Class III bicycle routes in Red Hook
Thursday, March 29, 6:30 pm.
Old First Reformed Church
729 Carroll Street
(Corner of 7th Avenue)