Illegal Permit Parking Crackdown Underway?


Word has it that the city is finally cracking down on uncivil servants’ illegal parking privileges. Was this the final outrage that finally spurred the Bloomberg Administration to take action?

  • A Manhattan tipster reports that a jersey barrier has suddenly appeared in front of the Brooklyn Bridge on-ramp where scores of Police Plaza employees have been parking their personal vehicles since 9/11 closed the ramp to traffic.
  • A Brooklyn tipster says that traffic cones have been put out on Adams Street in Downtown Brooklyn preventing government employees from parking illegally and that a bigger parking sweep may be on its way.

Transportation researcher Bruce Schaller estimates
that the curbside parking spaces consumed by government employees would
be worth $46 million per year in parking meter revenue. And if government
employees drove to work at the same rate as their private sector
counterparts, 19,200 fewer cars would enter Manhattan each day. Transportation Alternatives’ study, Above the Law shows that citywide, more than 3 out of every 4 permit holders (77%) use their permits illegally. The NYPD is responsible for 46% of illegal permit abuse, by far the largest share from any single agency.

Who will be the first Streetsblog tipster to send me a photo of the
Brooklyn Bridge on-ramp devoid of police officers’ illegally parked

Photo: Brooklyn Heights Blog 


The $46 Million Parking Perk

The police tow one of their own in Chinatown on May 10, 2006. Community and business groups say that much of Lower Manhattan has become a free parking lot for government employees’ personal vehicles. (Photo: Geoff Lee) Illegally parked government employees are subtracting $46 million a year in potential parking fees from New York City’s coffers, according to […]

Illegal Parking Now “Legal” for Marty Markowitz

Yesterday we wondered if the city might be convinced to reconcile its vision of a sustainable city with its anti-urban parking policies. We’ll mark this one in the "no" column. Late last week Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz was busted by Uncivil Servants for parking on the sidewalk in front of Borough Hall during a […]

Hello, Dolly!

A knowledgeable tipster submitted this gem to UncivilServants, the web-based watchdog for government parking abuse in New York City. The yellow Porsche Carrera, above, was spotted parked in front of a fire hydrant on the east side of Seventh Avenue, in Park Slope, Brooklyn, between Sterling Place and St. John’s Place at about 7:30 pm […]

Weingarten: “Teachers Are Not Abusers of Parking Permits”

A car with a teacher’s permit on the dashboard is parked beneath a "No Parking Anytime" sign. The license plate number does not match the one printed on the permit. ( United Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten sent a letter to Mayor Bloomberg Friday expressing objections to his plan to reduce the number of […]

Eyes on the Street: Taking the Lane

  From a Streetsblog tipster comes this shot of five of the city’s 142,000 placard-bearing vehicles parked in the bike lane on Lafayette Street between Franklin and White. What was especially damning is that in the real parking spaces, to the left of these double-parkers, there were about three vacant legitimate spots.

Fidler on the Sidewalk

Streetsblog commenter and Brooklyn Councilmember Lew Fidler adds a tenth plank to his 9 CARAT STONE transportation plan: Sidewalk parking! In today’s Daily News: Brooklyn Diary Where in the world can an elected official park these days without earning the wrath of his fellow Brooklynites? A silver Infiniti belonging to Councilman Lew Fidler — a […]