Weinshall Resignation Letter to Staff

It’s not as exciting as former DOT Bike Program Director Andrew Vesselenovitch’s mass e-mailed resignation letter, but here is Commissioner Weinshall’s:

—–Original Message—–
From: DOT Announcements
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 3:24 PM
To: #All DOT Users
Subject: From Commissioner Weinshall
Importance: High

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

As many of you have heard, I resigned my post yesterday to accept a Vice Chancellorship at my alma mater, the City University of New York and I will be leaving the agency in mid-April. As I begin to reflect on the seven years I’ve spent at DOT, I feel I owe you all a heartfelt thank you for your dedication. The Commissioner’s Office often receives the credit for keeping our streets smooth and safe, our ferries on time and our historic bridges up and running, but none of those things would be possible if it weren’t for the men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving their city.


Iris Weinshall, DOT Commissioner