The San Francisco – Golden Gate National Recreation Area: Lessons for New York’s Harbor District

National Parks are a distinctively American idea, but it takes people to make them happen. Amy Meyer, co-chair of People for a Golden Gate Recreation Area, and author of the recent book New Guardians for the Golden Gate: How America got a Great National Park, will discuss how Bay Area activists succeeded in preserving all of the spectacular land that frames the Golden Gate Bridge. A panel of New York Harbor District advocates will then consider the lessons learned from this success story and how they can be applied locally. Sponsored by the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance and Urban Center Books.


Refresher: What is Congestion Pricing?

There seems to be some confusion by both friends and foes of congestion pricing as to what it actually is. "Congestion pricing" is a term of art that refers to congestion tolls, road pricing or road tolling or other road user fees. It is a concept distinct from charging for parking. The foremost expert on […]

Advocates Call on Cuomo to Support Path on Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

Next year, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge will mark its 50th anniversary. Although the structure was designed to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle paths, they were never included. Now, advocates are hoping a renewed push can close the gap in what they’re calling the Harbor Ring, a 50-mile loop around Upper New York Bay. This week, the initiative launched […]

Raise Fees for Parking, Not Riding

Like many transportation agencies across the country, the Golden Gate Bridge and Highway District is struggling with debt. In order to help offset the $87 million poured into a road reconstruction, today GGBHD will debate whether to raise rates for ferry riders. But there’s a better way, says David Edmondson of the Greater Marin blog: […]

Remainder of Federal Pot Goes to Toll Plans

Florida officials say HOT lanes are the answer to SoFla I-95 congestion Before she went on television to turn the Minnesota bridge tragedy into a partisan talking point, US Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters was perhaps best known — or was, at least, recognized more fondly — in these parts as the official who heaped $354M […]

Streetfilms: San Francisco’s Foggy Sunday Streets 2009

For many American cities, 2009 marks the second time around for car-free events modeled after Bogotá’s Ciclovía. In San Francisco, like New York, last year’s innovation is this year’s tradition, as you’ll see in this Streetfilm from John Hamilton: Despite a blanket of fog, the last San Francisco Sunday Streets of 2009 was, from all […]