DOT to Neighborhood: Your School’s in the Way of Our Highway


There is a palpable schizophrenia in the Bloomberg Administration these days when it comes to Livable Streets issues. On the one hand, the Administration is developing some 200 miles of new bike lanes, initiating a long-term sustainability project and, for the first time, talking openly about reducing automobile use. On the other hand, very little seems to have changed in the day-to-day operations of the government agencies responsible for our streets and public spaces. They continue to plan for cars and traffic at the expense of people and places.

The latest example can be found at the intersection of West and Warren Streets in Lower Manhattan. This morning about forty community members gathered to protest a plan to install two new left-turn lanes on southbound West Street at Warren Street. As part of the scheme, the pedestrian "walk" time across the westside highway, now 46 seconds, is likely to be shortened to about 30 seconds. At a brisk gait of 3 mph, walkers will just make it across what will now be ten lanes of traffic. Most mortals walking at customary slower speeds will have to pause at the highway median, which is slated to shrink by more than half.

west_protest.jpgWith two public schools, PS 89 and IS 89, heavily-used ball fields and the Hudson River Park and Greenway on the far side of West Street, the pedestrian crossing is regularly used by thousands of children, parents and others. An analysis prepared by the State in 2005 found that installing the left turn lanes would increase the accident rate at the intersection by 71 percent.

"The pedestrian crossing on the north side of Warren Street is the safest crossing of West Street in our neighborhood," Bob Townley, director of Manhattan Youth and a prominent member of Community Board 1, says. "We can’t figure out the reasoning behind adding the turning lanes. That corner is rarely backed up." Other community members speculate that the turning lanes are being added to accomodate an increase in heavy truck traffic expected once construction of the Freedom Tower begins.

West Street, technically Route 9A, is a state highway but the plan is proceeding with full support from City DOT. City and State officials are not saying why the two new lanes are necessary and what the thinking is behind them. At this morning’s rally Mike Nadel, an 8th grade parent who is helping to organize the community against the plan, said that when he raised safety concerns to DOT Commissioner Iris Weinshall at a meeting last May, she replied, "Whose idea was it to put a school on West Street?"

Photo: Carl Glassman, The Tribeca Trib


Bill Thompson Was for Bike Lanes Before He Was Against Them

The current iteration of Grand Street, by most any objective measure, has to be considered a success. In the year since it was reconfigured to host the city’s first parking-protected bike lane, with the blessing of Community Board 2, injuries are down 30 percent, with about 1,000 cyclists using the lane daily. Thompson tells NY1 […]

Thompson vs. Bloomberg: The Ultimate Bicycling Referendum?

Tonight’s debate will be broadcast on NY1. Tonight at 7:00, mayoral contenders Mike Bloomberg and Bill Thompson face off in the first debate of the general election. Andrew Hawkins at City Hall News has some good pre-debate reading for New Yorkers who care about how this election will affect the future of our streets and […]

Kallos Puts Out a Meek Report on Upper East Side Street Safety

The Upper East Side is full of dangerous intersections, and residents are clamoring for bus countdown clocks, benches, and bike racks, according to a two-part report released today by Council Member Ben Kallos [PDF 1, 2]. It’s not often a council member releases a report on livable streets, and Kallos should be commended for his […]

Why Is the Manhattan Institute Afraid of Livable Streets?

The term “livable streets” first surfaced in 1981. That’s when UC Berkeley urban planning professor Donald Appleyard made it the title of his path-breaking new book on the social effects of cars on cities. But it was the advent of Streetsblog and the livable streets movement 25 years later that brought the term into public […]