Rumor Mill: Agencies Will Have to Budget for Parking Permits
Word has it that as city agenices flesh out their budgets for next year, Mayor Bloomberg is considering requiring that they include the cost of employee parking permits as a specific budget line item. In other words, if the NYPD or any other agency wants to give out untold hundreds of parking permits to its employees, that is going to cost something and be accounted for. This won’t necessarily convince the unions to stop printing bogus parking permits for their members and it won’t get the cops to start towing the illegally parked cars of their colleagues but, hey, it’s a start.
Transportation researcher Bruce Schaller estimates that the curbside parking spaces consumed by government employees would be worth $46 million per year in parking meter revenue. If government employees drove to work at the same rate as their private sector counterparts, 19,200 fewer cars would enter Manhattan each day.