Rumor Mill: Agencies Will Have to Budget for Parking Permits


Word has it that as city agenices flesh out their budgets for next year, Mayor Bloomberg is considering requiring that they include the cost of employee parking permits as a specific budget line item. In other words, if the NYPD or any other agency wants to give out untold hundreds of parking permits to its employees, that is going to cost something and be accounted for. This won’t necessarily convince the unions to stop printing bogus parking permits for their members and it won’t get the cops to start towing the illegally parked cars of their colleagues but, hey, it’s a start.

Transportation researcher Bruce Schaller estimates that the curbside parking spaces consumed by government employees would be worth $46 million per year in parking meter revenue. If government employees drove to work at the same rate as their private sector counterparts, 19,200 fewer cars would enter Manhattan each day.


The $46 Million Parking Perk

The police tow one of their own in Chinatown on May 10, 2006. Community and business groups say that much of Lower Manhattan has become a free parking lot for government employees’ personal vehicles. (Photo: Geoff Lee) Illegally parked government employees are subtracting $46 million a year in potential parking fees from New York City’s coffers, according to […]

Weingarten: “Teachers Are Not Abusers of Parking Permits”

A car with a teacher’s permit on the dashboard is parked beneath a "No Parking Anytime" sign. The license plate number does not match the one printed on the permit. ( United Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten sent a letter to Mayor Bloomberg Friday expressing objections to his plan to reduce the number of […]

Highlights of Yesterday’s Traffic Commission Meeting

| View | Upload your own Deputy Commissioner Bruce Schaller’s team at the Department of Transportation has been taking ideas offered up by Traffic Mitigation Commission members and running them through NYMTC’s regional traffic model. Schaller’s job is to help the Commission determine how effective each of these ideas will be in cutting traffic and […]

Illegal Permit Parking Crackdown Underway?

  Word has it that the city is finally cracking down on uncivil servants’ illegal parking privileges. Was this the final outrage that finally spurred the Bloomberg Administration to take action? A Manhattan tipster reports that a jersey barrier has suddenly appeared in front of the Brooklyn Bridge on-ramp where scores of Police Plaza employees […]

Congestion Pricing Should be Attached to Parking Reform

The daily scene on SoHo’s Crosby Street, jammed with illegally parked government employees. The Observer reported on Wednesday that Walter McCaffrey’s Committee to Keep New York City Congestion Tax Free recently solicited UCLA parking policy guru Donald Shoup to do a study of curbside parking policy in New York. Carolyn Konheim, a Brooklyn-based transportation consultant […]

Parking Reform: Reduce Congestion & Raise Money Minus Albany

With congestion pricing stalled in Albany gridlock, what’s next? What immediate measures can New York City take to reduce traffic congestion without having to go through Albany to implement them? How else might New York City reduce traffic congestion while raising a bit of money for transit, bicycling and pedestrian improvements? Back in May, Transportation […]