Street Hockey: The New Stickball?

More evidence that hockey — and livable streets — aren’t just "a white thing." From the New York Times’ Metropolitan Diary (along with a photo sent in by the author)…


Dear Diary:

Several Saturdays ago we had our Bedford-Stuyvesant block party. Cars were cleared by 7:30 a.m., yet by noon there was barely a soul on the street. It was as if no one wanted to be first at the party. I suggested to my husband (both of us Canadians) that we take out two hockey sticks and play a little one-on-one. His reaction was, "This is Bed-Stuy; people are going to think we’re insane."

He was right that hockey is not exactly the most popular game in this part of town. Despite this, we took out the sticks and started hitting a ball back and forth. In about 10 minutes, we had a crowd of kids looking on, asking to play. Pleasantly surprised, my husband went inside and brought out his collection of old hockey sticks. With that, a full game of street hockey erupted.

Kids and even parents who had never met, much less ever held a hockey stick, took over the block with a game that lasted until dark. The brownstone stoops made for perfect bleachers for the fans. No one kept score, but I think everybody won.

Micaela Birmingham


Eyes on the Street: Livable Streets a Mile High

A little end-of-day action from the Streetsblog Flickr pool, courtesy of BeyondDC: Here’s Denver’s 16th Street Shuttle, also called the MallRide. Check out those three low-floor doors for easy-on, easy-off boarding and alighting. The MallRide travels up and down a mile-long pedestrian mall — the only vehicle allowed there — arriving every 90 seconds. It’s […]

Participatory Budgeting: Your Chance to Vote for Livable Streets

A record 24 City Council members have launched participatory budgeting efforts this year, giving local residents a say in how to spend a share of the council’s discretionary capital funds. Starting last fall, volunteers and staff spent months refining proposals and suggestions. Council members are now releasing sample ballots so the public can learn more about the projects before […]

Participatory Budgeting Will Fund 21 Livable Streets Projects

The votes are in, and 21 livable streets projects got enough support to be funded in this year’s round of participatory budgeting. All told, 124 projects made the cut and will receive City Council funds [PDF]. In dollar terms, the streets projects will account for $5.1 million of the $32.5 million distributed by council members. During the participatory budgeting process, […]