Tomorrow: Protest Rally in Response to Atlantic Avenue Carnage

The Atlantic Avenue Betterment Association is holding a rally tomorrow in response to two horrific car killings in Boerum Hill in recent weeks. AABA has been fighting for years for more neighborhood-friendly traffic policies along the Avenue. Here are the details:

Wednesday, October 25 at 10:00 am on the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Bond St.


Excess speed kills two on Atlantic Avenue this October. One of them, Al Fernandez, a long time neighbor, was crushed to death while sitting on the sidewalk.

Stand with merchants and residents to show your outrage at Department of Transportation’s policies to move traffic without regard for community safety. Demand a safer Atlantic Avenue. Demand that the 4-7 PM parking ban be lifted which hurts small businesses.

Act now before Atlantic Avenue becomes even more dangerous by plans to widen the road by eliminating more parking and moving traffic even faster by increasing green time. These are proposed as "mitigation" measures for the Atlantic Yards Development Project.

We can have a safer Atlantic Avenue. We can have more parking to benefit the restaurants, and other small businesses on the Avenue.


At the press conference, AABA will present solutions for a safer and more business friendly Atlantic Avenue.

Merchants and residents will be joined by Elected Officials and Transportation Alternatives.


Levin Traffic Task Force Gets to Work

A traffic task force spearheaded by Brooklyn Council Member Steve Levin and the Boerum Hill Association convened for the first time Wednesday night. Levin’s district includes several neighborhoods battered by traffic heading to and from the free East River bridges, and local residents have been engaged for years in efforts to make streets safer, eventually […]

Downtown Brooklyn Traffic Calming Project: Ten Years On

March 1996: Residents in Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Carroll Gardens, and Boerum Hill are tired of their streets absorbing overflow from the nearby Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Neighborhood groups have tried repeatedly to convince the City to protect the neighborhoods from rush hour through traffic. So far, the City has done nothing but promise further study. DOT […]

Citi Bike Expands South of Atlantic Avenue

Yesterday, Citi Bike began installing stations in the Brooklyn neighborhoods south of Atlantic Avenue and west of Prospect Park. A few stations are already operating, according to the Citi Bike station map, with a total of 73 set to go live in the area in the coming weeks. All told there are 139 new bike-share stations […]

This Week: Shaping the Streets of Downtown Far Rockaway

City Hall has set aside $9 million to improve streets near Mott Avenue in Downtown Far Rockaway. Ideas floated earlier this year include several pedestrian safety and public space enhancements. But word is the project doesn’t do much for cycling, despite the need for safer biking conditions on streets like Beach Channel Drive. It’s not […]