Can Sprawl Be Beneficial?

Sprawl: A Compact History:
A Panel discussion with author Robert Bruegmann

In this lively program co-sponsored by the Municipal Art Society’s Urban Center Books and the Storefront for Art and Architecture, author Robert Bruegmann will articulate the ways his controversial claims about urban history and current public policy challenge conventional planning wisdom and highlight the often-overlooked benefits of sprawl. An expert panel of urban designers and historians will then debate the social, economic, environmental, and aesthetic implications related to contemporary issues of mobility, privacy and choice outlined in this scholarly “best-seller” that has been a surprise hit of the season.

James Russell, architecture critic.

Confirmed Panelists:
Robert Bruegmann, professor of Art History, Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Illinois at Chicago;
Eugenie Birch, chair and professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania;
Alexander Garvin, adjunct professor of Urban Planning and Management, Yale University.


New Video Series Tells the Story of Sprawl

As livable streets advocates work to make headway in breaking the cycle of American auto dependence, the folks at Planetizen have put together a video narrative that explains how we got here. "The Story of Sprawl," a double DVD set produced by Managing Editor Tim Halbur, is a compilation of historical films dating from 1939 […]

Planning Director Claims 6,600-Home Development on Farmland Isn’t Sprawl

Building 6,600 homes on farmland outside city boundaries? Some might consider that the very definition of sprawl. But leaders in the Fresno region beg to differ. James Sinclair at Network blog Stop and Move reports that Norm Allinder, the planning director for Madera County, told the Fresno Bee that such a development “doesn’t perpetuate the legacy of sprawl,” because it […]

Sprawl Costs the Public More Than Twice as Much as Compact Development

How much more does it cost the public to build infrastructure and provide services for sprawling development compared to more compact neighborhoods? A lot more, according to this handy summary from the Canadian environmental think tank Sustainable Prosperity. To create this graphic, the organization synthesized a study by the Halifax Regional Municipality [PDF] in Nova Scotia, […]

Can Sprawl Be Beneficial?

Panelists on suburban sprawl: Eugenie Birch, James Russell, Robert Bruegmann and Alexander Garvin. Folks who went to yesterday’s Municipal Art Society forum "Can Sprawl Be Beneficial" heard what must be the best possible defense for suburban sprawl from one of its recently arrived boosters: "I’m not saying that sprawl is good," said author Robert Bruegmann. "All I’m saying is that […]

Disney’s Highway to Hell

This scarifying nine-minute peek into an auto-enslaved Disney world of the future, as seen from 1958, is as amazing for what it gets right (like urban sprawl) as much as what is laughably off the mark (like urban sprawl = Utopia). Notice how skinny everyone is, though no one ever walks (except dad, from his […]