The New Green: Alternative Energy, Conservation, & Urban Design

The Broadway Democrats forum whas invited speaker Dr. Klaus Lackner, affiliated with Columbia University’s Earth Institute, and Neil Chambers, president, Chambers Design, Inc., Founder, Green Ground Zero

WHERE: Bank Street College, 610 West 112th Street (between Broadway & RIverside Drive)

WHEN: 8 – 9:30 p.m.

COST: Free



Canal Street Edge: From Bucolic to Frenetic

Sunday, July 30, 11:00 a.m.CANAL STREET EDGE: FROM BUCOLIC TO FRENETIC In 1811, the Collect Pond and its drainage canal were paved over, and the notorious Five Points grew up along the eastern end of Canal Street. On the western end stood St. John’s Chapel, in an elegant park, until the upper classes moved north […]