No Wonder the NYPD is Cracking Down on Bikes

Reuters reports, Bicycle and oil deals cement Chavez’s ties to Iran:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez enveloped his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad in a bear hug on Sunday and the two men backed their anti-U.S.
rhetoric with deals on everything from bicycles to oil.



Blumenauer: Don’t Let American Streets Remain Unsafe Routes to School

Yesterday the House debated the GOP leadership’s oil drilling-with-a-side-of-highways bill, which may or may not survive the House floor. A lot of folks are upset about this proposal, which would eliminate dedicated federal funding for transit, biking, and walking, open up some of the country’s environmental treasures to oil drilling and delay infrastructure insolvency for […]

Why Is Saudi Arabia’s Oil Production Down?

We still have three years and nine and a half months to learn who will win the bet between energy investment banker Matthew R. Simmons and New York Times columnist John Tierney over whether oil prices would be above or below $200 a barrel in 2010. Tierney bet "below" because he believes that over the long term, the prices […]

The Pentagon Burns 395,000 Barrels of Oil Per Day

It’s always a bit of a mind-boggler when some statistics emerge showing how much oil the U.S. military consumes. From yesterday’s Politico: So, you think you’ve got the gas prices blues. Just consider Al Shaffer, the man in charge of drafting an energy strategy for the gas-­guzzling Pentagon. With wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and […]

Addicted To Oil: Ranking States’ Vulnerability

A new NRDC report ranks U.S. states on their level of oil vulnerability measured by how heavily each state’s citizens are affected by increases in oil prices. States are also ranked on their implementation of solutions to reduce oil dependence. The report found that while oil dependence affects all states, some are hit harder economically […]