What’s Wrong With This Picture?


Ozone Alert in New York City: We warn children, the
elderly and people with heart and lung conditions to keep off of city
streets until air quality has improved. We suggest that motorists might use mass transit.

Ozone Alert in Italy, Germany, and other European Union cities: They ban cars, trucks and scooters from city streets until air quality improves, putting the onus on polluters rather than those most vulnerable to the pollution.


London Mayor Wants $45 Fee From Pollution-Making SUV’s

Here is a little something to think about as the fine particulate matter settles deep into your lungs on this lovely Ozone Alert Day. While New York City politely suggests via electronic highway billboard and half-assed p.r. campaigns, that motorists switch to mass transit on days like today, the BBC reports that the Mayor of London wants to […]

What $13 Billion Looks Like

  With the above chart and these comments in mind, here’s some food for thought from the PlaNYC Transportation chapter: Only 4.6% of working New Yorkers commute to Manhattan by car. The vast majority of trips made in New York are not to Manhattan; even among commuters, nearly twice as many outer borough residents work […]

City Wants 20,000 New Parking Spaces in Hell’s Kitchen

It seems inconceivable given the overwhelmingly positive developments of the past few weeks, but the city wants to increase parking in Manhattan by some 20,000 spaces, and is defending itself in court for the right to do so. The Bloomberg and Spitzer administrations are working together to hold on to a rezoning provision that would […]

Connecting Transportation and Politics in Southern Queens

NYLCV is sending out 12,000 mailers for the February 24 City Council special election in southern Queens. On the scale of absurd political theater, fare hike hearings in New York City rank very close to the top. Elected officials heap scorn on the MTA, diverting attention from their own responsibility for underfunding transit, while beleaguered […]