Protecting Public Space by Banishing People

Here is the latest in Jeff Zupan’s photo series on security barricades and their effect on New York City street life:

Penned-in pedestrians on Wall Street across from the New York Stock Exchange
(Photo: Jeff Zupan)


Sidewalk Security on Madison Avenue

In his spare time, StreetsBlog’s new contributor, Jeff Zupan from the Regional Plan Association is roaming Manhattan snapping photos of security barricades and their impact on the city’s street life. It’s a big honor to have Jeff publishing here. Concrete barricades protecting a concrete barricade. Madison Avenue in the upper 40’s. (Photo: Jeff Zupan)

Eyes on the Street: Summer Space Revisited

Jeff Prant sent in this photo from last Sunday’s Summer Space, which just wrapped another season, on Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights. Click here for Jeff’s photos from the first day of the inaugural Summer Space, back in the summer of 2008. Were we ever so young?

NYC Finally Cracking Down on Security Barriers

In the aftermath of September 11th, concrete and steel barriers sprouted like  mushrooms around big buildings in New York City. It almost seemed to me to be a kind of status symbol. You knew you worked in an important building if your landlord had hardened it against truck bombs. The barriers were often ugly and […]

Eyes on the Street: Summer Streets Gallery #1

Reader Jen Petersen sends this shot of the intersection of Lafayette and Spring on Saturday, along with her observations of how pedestrians, cyclists, and everyone else shared the road during Summer Streets: In the absence of special pavement markings delineating lanes for walkers, runners, cyclists, rollerbladers/skaters, people with children (and strollers), and others, we had […]