Upper Manhattan Bike Tour

Saturday, July 8, 2- 5 pm
Upper Manhattan Bike Tour.
North end of Central Park at W 110th St. and Lenox Ave.
(at exit of the park’s East Drive)
Time’s Up!


Upper Manhattan Bike Tour

Bike the upper reaches of Manhattan to learn about the recreational resources, historic landmarks, and vistas from the highlands. Ride ends at a waterfront cafe (La Marina). Manhattan does not end at 96th Street! Using a number of bike routes, the ride series will show you the wonders of highland Manhattan in Harlem, Manhattanville, Hamilton […]

Weiner on Bike Policy: Small Talk, Small Stick

Yesterday, riders at the sixth annual Tour de Queens got a preview of Anthony Weiner’s proposal to introduce new city tax breaks for businesses that help employees bike to work. It’s one of the meager transportation proposals in his policy book, “Keys to the City.” There are already plenty of financial incentives to bike — walking […]

Manhattan CB 2 Passes Unanimous Resolution in Favor of Bike-Share

Earlier this month NYC DOT set off on a bike-share information tour, giving an introduction to the city’s plans for a public bike-sharing system to every community board in the proposed service area. Bike-share plans got an enthusiastic reception from the Manhattan CB2 Transportation Committee. And it turns out that the full board backs the […]

Bike Ride: Mystery, History, Murder, and Money Tour or the Lower Manhattan Historic Ride

Visit glamorous and notorious Lower Manhattan’s most famous spots in history, infamy and unparalleled opulence, including: World’s biggest gold vault New York’s legendary Five Points (scene of Scorcese’s movie Gangs of New York) USA’s birthplace Site of Capt. Kidd’s house Site of Herman Melville’s house Wall St. bomb site where 36 died Where Abe Lincoln’s body […]

This Weekend: Kidical Mass Takes Upper Manhattan — and Staten Island

It’s Kidical Mass season, and there are two opportunities this weekend for children and adults to participate in group rides. On Saturday, it’s Kidical Mass Uptown. The ride starts at 10 a.m. at Dorrance Brooks Square — 137th Street between St. Nicholas and Edgecombe Avenues — and will head to High Bridge Park for the opening festival of the car-free […]

This Week: Q’boro Bridge Buses, Union Square, Tour de Queens

After a relaxing long weekend, it’s a busy week for livable streets, with an urban vs. suburban debate, two important Manhattan community board meetings, and a weekend packed with opportunities to walk or bike New York City’s streets, ending in the Tour de Queens.  Wednesday: Sprawl booster Joel Kotkin debates Christopher Leinberger of the Brookings Institution […]