Caption Contest: Broadway Boulevard NYPD Tower
By Brad Aaron |
This tipster photo was snapped last Tuesday, September 2, on Broadway south of 42 Street. Who has a good caption?
Caption Contest: Time to Expand Car-Free Broadway [Updated]
By Ben Fried |
Just another day at 53rd and Seventh. Photo: Gawker. Hey, here’s some of that pulse-pounding New York City energy that a few people wish we still had in the middle of Times Square. Instead of propelling a vehicle through midtown streets, the energy embedded in this taxi’s tankful of gasoline has been converted into giant […]
Caption Contest: Tappan Zee Outreach Gone Fishin’
By Noah Kazis |
Until last fall, the state’s planning for a new Tappan Zee Bridge was a model of public outreach. It included over 280 public meetings and one outreach center open full-time on each side of the bridge. Under Governor Andrew Cuomo, however, the project has been “fast-tracked.” Transit was axed from the bridge and the project […]
Caption Contest: Customize This Bike Ad
By Ben Fried |
Transportation Alternatives’ Noah Budnick sends along this screen grab of a Linus Bikes ad recently served up to him on the New York Post’s website. It’s a testament to someone’s ad placement algorithms that this puppy can find its intended audience even on the site of a bike-hating rag like the Post. Here’s a thought […]
Caption Contest: Chuck Schumer Rides the Prospect Park West Bike Lane
By Ben Fried |
Looks like protected bike infrastructure is growing on Chuck Schumer. High-powered backchannel NIMBY assault notwithstanding, New York’s senior senator apparently does enjoy riding the bike lane in his front yard, as you can see in this Sunday morning photo courtesy of fellow PPW resident Paul Steely White. So, when will the rest of Streetsblog’s 2011 April Fools […]