Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Studies & Reports


Report: As Cities Add Bike Lanes, More People Bike and Biking Gets Safer

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The more people bike on the streets, the safer the streets are for everyone who bikes. This phenomenon, originally identified by researcher Peter Jacobsen, is known as “safety in numbers.” And that’s exactly what American cities are seeing as they add bike infrastructure — more cyclists and safer cycling — according to a new report from the National […]

The “Choice” vs. “Captive” Transit Rider Dichotomy Is All Wrong

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The conventional wisdom about transit often divides riders into two neat categories: “choice” riders — higher-income people with cars — and “captive” riders — lower-income people who must use transit because they don’t own cars. But this framework can undermine good transit, according to a new report from TransitCenter [PDF]. In the attempt to cater only to “choice” riders or “captive” […]

Park & Rides Lose Money and Waste Land — But Agencies Keep Building Them

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Transit agencies shell out big bucks to build and operate parking facilities. But how much do we really know about what they get for their money? Researchers Lisa Jacobson and Rachel Weinberger surveyed 37 American transit agencies about park-and-ride facilities. They found that despite the expense of park-and-rides and the fact that many spaces go unused, […]