Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Interviews


William Fulton on Why Smart Growth Pays and Sprawl Decays

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Earlier this week, Smart Growth America released an important study that illustrates how walkable development results in huge savings and significantly better returns for municipalities compared to car-centric development. The analysis of 17 case studies found that walkable, mixed-use development produces 10 times more local tax revenue per acre than sprawl. In addition, SGA found […]

Don’t Call It a Merger: America’s Big Three Bike/Ped Advocates Join Forces

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Last week, three leading organizations advocating for biking and walking issued a communiqué [PDF] about their intention to unify. According to the plan, hashed out two weeks ago at a top-level meeting in San Diego, the League of American Bicyclists, the Alliance for Biking and Walking, and Bikes Belong will become one organization, with one board of directors.  Streetsblog […]