Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Richard Brodsky

T.A. Ad Drives It Home … to Westchester

  Taking aim at the richest irony of the faux-populist case against congestion pricing, Transportation Alternatives has released this ad [PDF], coming soon to a newspaper near you. The copy reads: Drivers from Westchester earn an average income of $176,231. Only 4% of New York City commuters would pay the congestion fee. 100% of the […]

Silver Calls Hearing on Pricing and MTA Capital Plan

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will hold a hearing Thursday on how congestion pricing revenues would figure into the MTA’s five-year capital plan. He will be joined by anti-pricing Assembly Members Richard Brodsky and Denny Farrell. The Sun reports: The MTA’s executive director, Elliot Sander, who will testify at the hearing, has said Mr. Bloomberg’s plan […]

Denny Farrell: Less Traffic and Pollution? No Thanks.

Just two of the 17 members of the Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission, Assemblymen Richard Brodsky and Herman “Denny” Farrell, voted against the revised congestion pricing plan that now awaits approval by the City Council and state legislators, all of which must happen by March 31 if the city is to receive $354 million in federal […]