Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Michael Bloomberg

Congestion Pricing Gets a Warm Reception in Manhattan

  Hundreds of Manhattanites braved an indoor congestion zone Thursday night, struggling to find a seat before the New York City Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission hearing. The packed forum attracted hundreds of spectators, leaving balcony-only seating in the Hunter College auditorium. Over eighty turned out to voice their support and concerns, prevailing over previous congestion […]

Bloomberg Says What You’re Thinking

Perhaps getting tired of seeing his PlaNYC centerpiece attacked by lawmakers from outside the city, Mayor Bloomberg had some frank remarks for congestion pricing critic Assemblyman Richard Brodsky on the radio today. The Daily Politics reports: On his weekly radio show this morning, Mayor Bloomberg took a swipe at Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, the Westchester Democrat […]

The Times Wants Your Traffic Ideas

From the New York Times: Traffic on the Brain?  Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on the best way to ease Manhattan’s perpetual traffic crunch. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg proposes congestion pricing. A group opposed to that plan suggests raising parking meter rates instead. Some bicyclists would ban cars. Some drivers would ban bicycles. There’s […]