Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Jane Jacobs


Historical Photos of St. Louis Capture the Great Violence of “Urban Renewal”

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Some of these images, dug up by Alex Ihnen at NextSTL, almost look like a war zone. Buildings exploding. Entire city blocks reduced to ghost towns. Families out on curbs, carrying all their belongings in suitcases. It wasn’t a war, though — it was mid-century St. Louis. Perhaps no other American city more enthusiastically embraced the development strategy known as “urban renewal,” a euphemism […]

Thank God for Jane Jacobs the Highway Slayer

Jane Jacobs’ legacy is so broad and complex I’m not going to attempt a big thinkpiece to mark her 100th birthday. In lieu of something long and wordy, I’ve got two short paragraphs and some images of the Robert Moses road monsters she slew in the 1960s. Car-centric planning was inimical to the things Jacobs valued most […]

Planetizen Unveils Its Top 100 Urban Thinkers

Jane Jacobs. Photo: BusinessWeek She may be experiencing an intellectual reconsideration in some corners, but Jane Jacobs is still a beloved figure for the urban planners and designers of Planetizen. After a month-long online poll that saw more than 14,000 votes cast, the site released its list of the "Top 100 Urban Thinkers" today — […]

What Should We Learn From Moses and Jacobs?

There is probably no more beloved figure in urbanism than Jane Jacobs, who fought to preserve some of New York City’s most treasured neighborhoods and who gave urbanists some of the field’s fundamental texts. As Ed Glaeser notes in the New Republic this week, Jacobs died in 2006 "a cherished, almost saintly figure," while her […]

Still Time to Submit Jane Jacobs Medal Nominees

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The deadline for submitting nominees for the 2008 Jane Jacobs Medal has been extended to Monday, Feb. 4. As we wrote a couple of weeks ago, the award recognizes "two living individuals whose creative vision for the urban environment has significantly contributed to the vibrancy and variety of New York City." The medal comes with […]

Who Are You Nominating for the 2008 Jane Jacobs Medal?

The Rockefeller Foundation has opened up the nomination process for the 2008 Jane Jacobs Medal. The deadline to submit a nomination is February 1. The award, launched last year, recognizes "two living individuals whose creative vision for the urban environment has significantly contributed to the vibrancy and variety of New York City." Last year, Transportation […]