Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Barbara Boxer


Boxer: Transpo Funding Will Rise in Senate Bill, Bike/Ped Will Be Preserved

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Senator Barbara Boxer, chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, just addressed reporters about the progress of the transportation bill. Rather than holding funding at SAFETEA-LU levels, as we previously reported and as the EPW statement indicated, the committee is planning a $339.2 billion bill – current spending plus inflation, plus an expanded TIFIA […]

Senate Finalizing Transpo Bill — It’s Up to Boxer to Preserve Bike/Ped Funding

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According to Congressional insiders, members of the Senate’s Committee on Environment and Public Works are meeting today and tomorrow to hash out the details of their proposal for a multi-year transportation reauthorization bill. Hanging in the balance of these negotiations may be the federal government’s only programs dedicated to funding infrastructure for biking and walking. […]