Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about APTA


America Has a Terrible Traffic Safety Record Because We Drive Too Much

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Even though the U.S. traffic fatality rate per mile driven has fallen by two-thirds in the last 50 years, America today still has the deadliest road system per capita in the developed world. Much of the improvement from safer driving and better emergency care has been wiped out by increases in total traffic. The American approach to traffic safety has emphasized seatbelt use, vehicle standards, […]

APTA Survey: Transpo Bill Delay May Force Job Losses in U.S. Transit Industry

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Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood and House Transportation Committee Chair John Mica (R-FL) both agree that a new surface transportation authorization bill needs to be finished before Congress leaves for the August recess. But that doesn’t mean it’ll happen. ImpulseNC makes overhead wire systems like these for transit networks. It could lay off workers or move […]