Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Long Island City

Streetfilms Flashback: The Bad Old Days of the Pulaski Bridge

Later this morning, officials will cut the ribbon on the long-awaited Pulaski Bridge bikeway. Pretty soon, it will be tough to remember the claustrophobic anxiety of navigating the narrow path — just 8.5 feet wide, and even less at pinch points — that pedestrians and cyclists made do with before today. So here’s some footage for posterity that Clarence […]

Eyes on the Street: Pulaski Bridge Bikeway Looks Ready for a Ribbon-Cutting

Pulaski Bridge bike lane is open, nothing is impossible! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! — Max RN (@MaxRivlinNadler) April 24, 2016 Update: A DOT spokesperson tells Streetsblog that while finishing touches are being made, cyclists should follow the posted signage, which directs them to the shared pedestrian-bike path on the west side of the bridge. The new protected lane […]

DOT: Pulaski Bridge Bikeway Will Open By End of April

Construction of the Pulaski Bridge bike path is slated to finish at the end of April, according to a DOT spokesperson. As DOT’s bridge division puts together the finishing touches, specifics of the new design are coming to light, including how the bike lane will negotiate the drawbridge section of the Pulaski. On most of the bridge, the bike lane […]

Take a Look at What’s on the Table for Long Island City Streets

Every street in Long Island City is in line for a top-to-bottom reconstruction, and as part of the project DOT and the Department of Design and Construction are proposing several improvements for walking and biking. Here’s the presentation the agencies gave to Queens Community Board 2 earlier this month, showing the preliminary redesigns. The project covers several streets and […]

Total L.I.C. Street Rebuild to Include Safety Overhauls for Key Intersections

The streets of Long Island City are getting a total rebuild, and as part of the project four major intersections along Jackson Avenue and Vernon Boulevard will get redesigned for greater safety. Many other intersections could get curb extensions or other traffic-calming treatments as part of the $38.47 million neighborhood-wide street reconstruction. Speaking this morning at the foot […]