Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Freight


Trucking Industry Imposes Up to $128 Billion in Costs on Society Each Year

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Cross-posted from City Observatory During National Infrastructure Week earlier this month, we again endured what has become a common refrain of woe about crumbling bridges, structurally deficient roads, and a lack of federal funding for infrastructure. This call for alarm was quickly followed by yet another Congressional band-aid for the nearly bankrupt highway trust fund […]

Barbara Boxer’s Transportation Bill: Same As It Ever Was

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The future of national transportation policy is pretty much like the present of national transportation policy, if the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has its way: underfunded and highway-centric. The bill released by Senator Barbara Boxer’s EPW Committee yesterday [PDF] rejects pretty much everything the Obama administration put forth in its bill, including permanent […]

Enviro Review of Cross-Harbor Freight Tunnel Set to Wrap By Winter

A Congressional road show on freight came to New York late last week, with Port Authority Executive Director Pat Foye joining air, trucking, and rail industry representatives Friday afternoon to testify before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s freight panel. The hearing covered a range of issues, including a status report on the long-discussed Cross-Harbor Freight Tunnel. […]