Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about U.S. Senate


Senate Committee Moves to Eliminate TIGER Program in Next Transpo Bill

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The Republican-controlled Senate is poised to eliminate the TIGER program, one of the few sources of federal funds that cities can access directly to improve streets and transit. While the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s outline for its portion of a six-year bill was a marginal improvement on the status quo, the Commerce Committee’s portion, known […]

Inhofe’s DRIVE Act — Not as Big a Disaster as You Might Think

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No, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s new six-year bill, obnoxiously named the DRIVE Act (Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy) [PDF], won’t usher in a more enlightened era of federal transportation policy. But neither would it be a significant step backward. And with the realization setting in that further extensions of current law might be impossible, […]

Movement in Congress to Let Cities and Towns Access Federal Transpo Funds

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Finally, proof that Congress is capable of crafting smart transportation legislation and not just zany ways to avoid raising the gas tax. A bipartisan coalition of 10 lawmakers is supporting the Innovation in Surface Transportation Act, which would help cities, counties, and other local governments directly access federal funding for transportation projects, according to Transportation for America. The proposal, first floated last year, […]