Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Livable Streets Community

Urban Histories With Modern Lessons

Downtown San Francisco as seen from Potrero Hill. Photo: Joe Bencharsky This week brought urban history lessons to StreetsWiki from Livable Streets members coast to coast. Joe Bencharsky penned a neighborhood profile of Potrero Hill, San Francisco, where his family has lived for three generations. Says Joe: Partly because of street and freeway configuration, partly […]

Bike Racks Coming to a Neighborhood Near You

DOT’s release of mapped bike rack locations last week was met with excitement, but at least one Streetsblog reader also wondered how useful such info would be on-the-fly. While it may not be something you’ll whip out en route, this information can be incredibly helpful for communities in planning and campaigning for more bike parking. […]

Calls for Action From Milwaukee to Manhattan

Whether it’s the end of bike month or the open data enthusiasm spurred by Obama’s new "Democratizing Data" initiative, the Livable Streets Community is full of calls to action this week. Milwaukee’s new interactive mapping project Dan Knauss of the Cream Citizen group — "Milwaukee’s open source think tank for progressive urbanist policy, sustainable development, […]

Profile Photo Contest Winners

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Congratulations to Livable Streets Community member silverlynx for his stunning submission to our Profile Photo Contest! Silverlynx is the captain of a tugboat on the San Francisco Bay and rides a DaHon bicycle to commute between jobs. The first prize of a bike gift basket donated by B’s Bikes in Williamsburg, Brooklyn goes to him. […]

Big Start for Bike Month

News of another success for the Dangerous Intersections group comes to us this week by way of Peter Frishauf. Frishauf shared a message he received from DOT Manhattan Borough Commissioner Margaret Forgione about the intersection of 103rd St. and Riverside Drive in Manhattan, where a "no standing anytime" zone will be implemented south of the […]