Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Toronto


Toronto City Council Blows Its Chance to Transform Downtown

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Tearing down Toronto’s Gardiner East Expressway would remove a hulking blight from downtown, improve access to the waterfront, open up land for walkable development, and save hundreds of millions of dollars compared to rebuilding the highway. But that didn’t convince the City Council. In a 24-21 vote yesterday, the Council opted to rebuild the aging Gardiner with some […]

Decision Time for Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway

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Toronto is facing a critical decision about the aging elevated Gardiner East Expressway. Will Canada’s largest city go ahead with the plan to replace the one-mile-long concrete relic with a surface boulevard and walkable development? Or will it cling to yesterday’s infrastructure? The debate has been heating up ahead of a key City Council meeting next week. A poll released […]