Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Salt Lake City


Salt Lake City’s Groundbreaking Protected Intersection Is Open

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#ProtectedIntersection in @saltlakecityUT is UT’s first! Creating a safer destination for downtown visitors. — Alta Planning (@altaplanning) October 15, 2015 The second protected intersection in the country is open in Salt Lake City, another milestone for American bike infrastructure. Using paint and concrete islands, the intersection of 200 West and 300 South lowers the stress level […]

Salt Lake City to Install Nation’s First Protected Intersection for Bicycling

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Salt Lake City is on track to implement America’s first protected intersection for bicycling this summer. The intersection design is based on a Dutch template that minimizes potential conflicts between people biking, driving, and walking. For example, it allows cyclists to make a left turn in two stages without crossing against oncoming car traffic. It will be part of […]