Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Los Angeles


Can LA Make “Great Streets” If the Mayor Won’t Stand Up for Good Design?

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Los Angeles, with its expanding transit network, is supposed to be in the process of shedding its cocoon of car-centricity and emerging, in the words of a recent Fast Company headline, as America’s “next great walkable city.” The city’s streets, however, didn’t change a whole lot under former mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. When Eric Garcetti was elected mayor in 2013, advocates thought […]

Whose Parking Regime Reigns Supreme? LA, SF, and NYC Compare Notes

Less than a week after Queens Community Board 3 signed off on DOT’s PARK Smart pilot for Jackson Heights, New York’s neighborhood-level parking policy changes were given some national context on Wednesday at the National Association of City Transportation Officials’ “Designing Cities” conference. Given the Department of City Planning’s halfhearted attempts to reduce off-street parking requirements, NYC […]