Recent Streetsblog NYC posts about Bogotá

“My Other Car Is a Bright Green City”

As attention turns to the next federal transportation bill, and livable streets fans scan the platforms of presidential candidates for glimpses of what to expect from Washington over the next four years, Alex Steffen, editor and CEO of the blog WorldChanging, has posted an essay-in-progress called "My Other Car is a Bright Green City." Steffen […]

The Human Rights Argument For BRT And Pricing

A map produced by the Pratt Center [pdf] shows neighborhoods with a high concentration of low-income commuters with long commutes. With congestion pricing now before the City Council, the coalition pushing it forward shows signs of strengthening at exactly the right time. One group we’ll be hearing more from is Communities United for Transportation Equity (COMM.U.T.E!), […]

Is the Mayor Reading Streetsblog on His Bloomberg Terminal?

Cities won’t wait for national governments to solve their pressing problems, argues Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City in this week’s Economist: In developing the climate-change strategies that underpin PlanNYC, we drew on the experiences of Berlin for our renewable-energy and green-roof policies; Hong Kong, Shanghai and Delhi for our innovative transit improvements; […]