Streetfilms: Tour de Queens 2009

On Sunday, Transportation Alternatives’ Second Annual Tour de Queens took riders on an 18-mile circuit through St. Albans, Kew Gardens, Hollis, and
many other neighborhoods. Once again, the Queens Museum of Art in
Flushing-Corona Park helped host the event, and museum president Tom Finkelpearl rode the entire route. There were many more riders this
year, probably due not only to this year’s beautiful weather but the fact that last year’s high temp was 96!



Tour de Queens 2011

Transportation Alternatives’ fourth annual Tour de Queens once again didn’t disappoint. Yesterday, 2,000 riders navigated the 18-mile, family-paced course, experiencing neighborhoods from Forest Hills to Jackson Heights. As usual, the festivities started and ended in fabulous Flushing Meadows Corona Park in the shadow of the iconic Unisphere.

StreetFilm: Queens Roller Racing

From StreetFilms’ Elizabeth Press:  Have you ever wished you could explore the borough of Queens on a bike with a large group of people? Maybe you have heard of or ridden in the Tour de Brooklyn or the Tour de Bronx and thought it would make sense for Queens to have a ride of its […]

Streetfilms: The First Tour de Queens

Nearly 500 people braved the mid-90s heat yesterday to take part in the inaugural Tour de Queens, and Steetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there to document the occasion. In addition to discovering the borough’s best bike shop, viewers will see Congressman Anthony Weiner, stalwart defender of car commuters, deliver the following message of support to the […]

StreetFilms: Bay Ridge Bus Commuters Talk Congestion Pricing

StreetFilms joined up with Transportation Alternatives’ Executive Director, Paul Steely White to talk about congestion pricing with express bus commuters in Bay Ridge. Bus riders told White that they’d like to have more buses and a faster commute. One commuter pointed out that virtually every automobile on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway carries just one person. Another […]

Streetfilms: Queens Boulevard Bike Pool

On the second Friday of the month, the Transportation Alternatives Queens Committee leads a bike pool along Queens Boulevard. This street is a critical yet dangerous part of many Queens bike commutes. By riding in a group each month, pool members aim to educate drivers that bikes are on the street, make a statement about […]