Urgent Action: Billions for Transit in Jeopardy

A Senate amendment full of spending cuts would strip $3.4 billion in transit funding from the stimulus package, Greg Sargent reports. One of the few areas that might get a spending increase in the amendment is highways. The amendment, sponsored by Republican Susan Collins and Democrat Ben Nelson, is seen as a bipartisan compromise that will likely clear the way for the whole bill to pass. There is time to prevent the amendment from including these steep cuts in transit funding, which would drop the total for transit almost in half.

Readers should call your senators and make clear that it is unacceptable for any amendment to raid public transit and increase highway spending. The number for the Senate switchboard is (202) 224-3121, or you can look up your senator here.

Update: Head over to the Transportation for America action alert for concise talking points. We hear the Senate is getting bombarded with calls, so dial a few times if you don’t get through immediately. If you’re still getting a busy signal, you can also follow this link and use the email forms to contact your senators.


Tell Your Senator to Support Transit and Green Jobs, Not Highways

Update: Hold those phone calls, folks. Schumer has co-sponsored the Murray/Feinstein amendment, making it highly unlikely that he will offer his own, superior amendment. There are more amendments in the wings — supported by Senate Republicans and some surprising Democrats — that would give highway builders even greater leeway to build dirty, traffic-generating boondoggles. We’ll […]

Schumer Proposes $6.5B More for Transit in Senate Stim Bill

Senator Chuck Schumer has unveiled an amendment to the Senate stimulus bill that would increase transit funding by $6.5 billion — to $14.9 billion overall. This would direct $2.9 billion more to transit, in total, than the House stimulus bill that passed last week. For the wonks out there, transit funding would break down like […]

Republican Minority Blocks Murray Amendment

We just got word that the Murray/Feinstein amendment, which would have increased funding for both highways and transit in the Senate stimulus package, received support from 58 Senators, falling short of the 60 votes necessary to be considered. Does that clear the way for Chuck Schumer’s transit amendment? Not exactly. The vote calls into question […]

Nadler Amendment Clears Rules Committee. Floor Vote Next.

A spokesman for Jerrold Nadler confirms that the amendment to boost transit funding in the stimulus package has cleared the House Rules Committee. That means the full House will decide whether to add $3 billion in transit investment to the economic recovery bill — a vote that could take place as soon as noon tomorrow. […]

The Boxer/Inhofe Amendment: Not Green Enough

A revised draft of the Boxer/Inhofe amendment just came over the transom from a source in DC close to the negotiations (PDF).  This is a draft from yesterday and negotiations are ongoing, so expect changes.  Specifically, enviros are trying to get a "green screen" put in place, so that USDOT can pick from the priority […]

Call to Action: Win Back Stimulus Funding for Transit Service

There’s a sense of urgency on the Streetsblog Network this morning. Transportation for America, using media reports of projected cuts to transit services across the country, has put together a map that dramatizes just how painful those cuts could be: The far-reaching and broad cuts will directly affect transit employees and riders who are among […]