Grand Street Cycle Track: The Hysteria Continues

grand_street.jpgDon’t be fooled: No one on a bike was quoted for this story.

Step aside Steve Cuozzo, the team at Fox 5 (yeah, them again) has scapegoated the Grand Street bike lane in even more outlandish fashion. This "report" manages to blame the brand new cycle track for traffic congestion, slumping dumpling sales, and a disabled man getting hit by a car. We kid you not. Needless to say, the distortions go above and beyond the usual windshield perspective quotes.

"By putting in a bike lane protected by a row of parked cars, the city has essentially turned Grand Street into a single lane," correspondent Ti-Hua Chang tells us, neglecting to mention that Grand Street already had a bike lane and a single moving lane before the parking protection went into effect (in fact, drivers have more space in the new design to make right turns). The difference now is that double-parking actually has consequences for other drivers instead of cyclists, but you don’t see any motorist-on-motorist recriminations here. Also unmentioned in this traffic blame-fest: free East River bridges and the low, low price of on-street parking.

What we get instead is a parting shot from Sean Sweeney — the man who fought tooth and nail against the Prince Street bike lane — invoking the specter of people burning to death as a result of this safety improvement. Good thing Fox 5 put him on camera.


Plan for Grand Street Cycle Track Features New Design Treatment

DOT has unveiled plans for a Grand Street cycle track [PDF] that bear the fingerprints of Danish planner Jan Gehl. It would be Manhattan’s first cross-town protected bike path. Grand Street is narrower than Ninth Avenue, where the existing protected path runs. Whereas the Ninth Avenue cycle track uses signal timing to prevent conflicts between […]

Drivers Respect Grand Street Parking-Protected Cycle Track

Though modest by comparison, here’s another first for this historic day. Manhattan Community Board 2’s Ian Dutton sent over photos of the new Grand Street cycle track, the city’s initial attempt at a parking-protected design. Says Ian: With a one-block exception, from Varick St. to Centre St. seems to be open for business, only lacking […]

Eyes on the Street: The Beginning of a Beautiful Bike Lane

Snapped by Streetsblog regular Ian Dutton this afternoon: Crews prep Grand Street for the city’s first physically-protected crosstown bike lane [PDF]. Stretching from Varick to Chrystie, the Grand Street cycle track features some new design touches on account of its placement on the right side of a narrow street. The guys on the crew say […]

Sean Sweeney: Soho Must Be Preserved for SUVs

Sean Sweeney, the one-man show known as the Soho Alliance, has been sending this video around to the media, continuing his quest to preserve Soho streets for the convenience of motorists. What we basically have here is a careless truck driver butting grilles with a sociopath behind the wheel of an SUV. Sweeney’s conclusion: Give […]

Paint It Green: The Grand Street Protected Bike Lane Is Almost Back

The Grand Street protected bike lane is on its way back after three years out of commission during construction of the Third Water Tunnel, the biggest capital project in New York City history. The Department of Design and Construction has repaved Grand between Lafayette Street and the Bowery, and preliminary markings for the bike lane are […]