Streetfilms: Tour de Bronx 2008

Over 4,000 riders turned out for Sunday’s 14th Annual Tour de Bronx, which covered miles of beautiful scenery — with hopes of more to come, should the Sheridan Expressway ever meet its reward (see the 2:00 mark).  Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was there, and files this report.


StreetFilms: Tour de Bronx, in Pictures

 StreetFilms’ Clarence Eckerson put down the heavy video equipment and brought along a still camera for this weekend’s Tour de Bronx. Blessed by incredible weather, this year’s ride was kicked off by Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion (ahem) and DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, who Clarence says got "perhaps the biggest ovation I have ever heard […]

Streetfilms: Taking a Ride on Bx12 Select Bus Service

Veronica Vanterpool of the Tri-State Transportation Campaign recently took Streetfilms’ Nick Whitaker on a tour of  the city’s inaugural Select Bus Service (SBS) line, the Bx12, introduced last year on Fordham Road in the Bronx. As Nick writes: Travel time on the route has been cut by 20 percent thanks to the improvements, and commuters […]

Streetfilms: Building Greenways and Community in the Bronx

This Streetfilm from Robin Urban Smith and Elizabeth Press brings us an update on the state of greenway development in the Bronx. Writes Robin: The Bronx River Greenway and South Bronx Greenway plans apply community-driven design strategies to help undo years of top down, auto-centric planning and development in the Bronx. The greenways, when completed, […]

The Randall’s Island Connector Is Finally Here

This spring, the Highbridge re-opened between the Bronx and Manhattan, the first car-free crossing linking the two boroughs. Now the second one in less than a year is open with the debut of the Randall’s Island Connector. The project has been in the pipeline for what seems like forever, and on Saturday it opened to the delight of many South Bronx […]