Hillary Feels Staten Island’s Pain on Traffic

While transportation issues are clearly not very high up on Mayor Bloomberg’s agenda, at least one New York elected official is acknowledging that the city has major traffic problems in need of big solutions. At last week’s Staten Island Chamber of Commerce breakfast, Clinton focused almost exclusively on transportation issues, according to the Advance:

From scorning Staten Island’s inadequate mass transit system and the average commute time of 44 minutes, to applauding recent funding for the defunct North Shore rail line, Sen. Hillary Clinton yesterday assured borough residents that their traffic and transit concerns are not being overlooked in the nation’s capital.

"Staten Island also has the longest average commute in the nation," Clinton said incredulously. "You know, when I got that statistic I double-checked and tripled-checked. … I thought to myself, ‘Wow, that’s saying a lot.’"

Mrs. Clinton followed the tone set by Chamber CEO Linda Baran, who emphasized the lack of mass transit during her introductory remarks.

"Simply put, we need to get people out of their cars and off the roads," Ms. Baran said.

Emphasizing the borough’s transportation woes seemed a successful tactic for Mrs. Clinton, from the standing ovation she received.


Staten Islanders Keeping an Open Mind on Congestion Pricing

"Walking is Transportation" blogger Dan Icolari has extensive coverage of last night’s seventh and final Traffic Mitigation Commission hearing on Staten Island. He reports "a notable unanimity" among Staten Island’s elected representatives. "Even South Shore Republican Councilman Vincent Ignizio — a reliable foe of government whose salary is paid by government — said that despite […]

Advocates Call for Safer Streets, Better Transit Along All of Richmond Terrace

As development transforms the eastern neighborhoods along Staten Island’s North Shore, advocates want to ensure the city doesn’t overlook the transit and street safety needs of the western neighborhoods. In November, the de Blasio administration launched a multi-agency effort to study transportation and traffic safety on the North Shore, but so far the project has been limited […]

State DOT Pulls Transit Bait-and-Switch on Staten Island

Photo: SI Advance via MTR. One of the more common excuses we’ve been hearing from local pols during the current MTA crisis is that "service never improves," so why bother to fund transit? Set aside, for the moment, the fact that subways and buses are moving way more New Yorkers than they did just a […]

The Perfect Argument for Congestion Pricing

The Staten Island Advance ran an article last Thursday about a "perfect storm" of crushing Staten Island-bound traffic on the Gowanus Expressway and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. To give you a sense of the frustrated tone of the article, it was entitled "21-Month Nightmare: Agency Offers Zero Solutions for Verrazano Lane Mess." Here’s how it began: […]