Bronx County Courthouse Plaza Gets a Makeover


StreetFilms’ Clarence Eckerson took these shots yesterday at the Bronx County Courthouse on Grand Concourse, where an area plagued by illegally parked government employee vehicles has been replaced by a public plaza.

Here’s a "before" shot, courtesy of Transportation Alternatives.

Additional current pics after the jump.


DOT Shows Off Grand Concourse Improvements

Lou Gehrig Plaza: No longer a parking lot for Bronx County Courthouse employees. Bronx electeds joined DOT commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan yesterday to mark a completed round of ped-bike enhancements to the Grand Concourse and 161st Street. The package includes the newly ped-friendly Lou Gehrig Plaza (in front of the Bronx County Courthouse), and wider medians […]

Tonight: Give DOT Your Ideas for a Safer Park Circle

What would you change? DOT’s pedestrian projects group will present tonight at a public workshop about Park Circle, the roundabout at the southern tip of Prospect Park. Sponsored by Community Boards 7, 12, and 14, this is a preliminary meeting to define problems and collect ideas before improvements are designed. Given the vortex of auto […]