Testify! Public Hearings on Congestion Pricing Tonight

I’ve been accused of "droning on" about congestion pricing here on Streetsblog, and not just by hostile commenters. Even Mark Gorton, our publisher, has mentioned that he’s sick of reading about it.

Still, we continue to spill all of this ink over congestion pricing because it is far and away the most important game in town. If you want better, safer bicycling; faster more reliable buses; more honorable treatment of pedestrians and public spaces and a healthier, more pleasant and sustainable New York City — congestion pricing is the quickest, most effective way to make these changes happen.

That’s because congestion pricing is the only policy that simultaneously reduces the number of motor vehicles on New York City’s streets while raising money for transit and public space improvements. Typically, activists and change-makers deal in compromise and small incremental improvement. This moment is different. Congestion pricing creates an opportunity to make relatively revolutionary change happen relatively immediately. I don’t expect this sort of opportunity to come along again any time soon. Now is the time to do everything we can to try to help push congestion pricing through the City Council and State Legislature.

Tonight’s your chance to contribute. There will be six simultaneous public hearings held throughout the metropolitan region. Sign up ahead of time as a speaker and write up even just a paragraph or two of testimony. If you can go, go!

Here is a note from Transportation Alternatives executive director Paul Steely White with more details:

TONIGHT (Thursday, January 24), there will be public hearings on congestion pricing in Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx and Staten Island. I’m sure you can think of better ways to spend an hour or two tomorrow night, but this set of hearings will determine whether congestion pricing will go to a vote this spring, or if it winds up in the dustbin.

Go represent your borough. Hearings start at 6pm. You must sign up in advance to speak, so go to this website for hearing locations and fax or email in your RSVP (you don’t need to submit testimony online, you can just speak at the hearing).

All details are here:

Speak out for less traffic and better transit paid for by congestion pricing! Tell the commission about your transit, biking or walking commute and how you need safer streets and more reliable subways and buses.

Here are the details:

Thursday, January 24th

6 pm

Medgar Evers College

1650 Bedford Ave.


Thursday, January 24th

6 pm

Hostos Community College

Savoy Multi-Purpose Room

Walton Ave. at 149th St.

The Bronx

Thursday, January 24th

6 pm

York College Performing Arts Center

94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd.

Jamaica, Queens

Thursday, January 24th

6 pm

College of Staten Island

Center for the Arts, Recital Hall 1P

2800 Victory Blvd.

Staten Island

Thursday, January 24th

6 pm

Westchester County Center

198 Central Ave.

1st Floor Meeting Rooms A-B

White Plains

Thursday, January 24th

6 pm

Hofstra University

University Club

North of Main Gate



Don’t Underestimate the Street Safety Benefits of Congestion Pricing

The primary benefits of the Move NY toll reform plan are reducing congestion and funding transit — but don’t overlook the huge potential to improve street safety. Recent research at Lancaster University in the UK suggests that since the introduction of the London congestion charge in 2003, lethal crashes have fallen faster than traffic congestion. The safety gains have even […]

Congestion Pricing Can Help Save Working NYC Families $2,300 Per Year

Without congestion pricing, fare hikes will hit New York’s many transit-using families hard. Image: Ed Yourdon via Flickr. Without bold action from legislators to fund transit, middle-class New York families will have to spend $2,300 more per year to get around the city even as the quality of the service they’re paying for declines, according […]