Eyes on the Street: The Columbus Avenue Bike Lane, Part Two

Columbus Avenue looking south from 76th Street. Photo: Mark Gorton

The Columbus Avenue protected bike lane won’t be a disconnected stub much longer. DOT is striping extensions of the bike lane south from 77th Street and north from 96th Street this summer, following a supportive vote from Manhattan Community Board 7 in February. Streetsblog publisher Mark Gorton sent in this shot looking south from 76th Street this morning.

This project will basically link the Columbus Avenue bike lane with the Ninth Avenue bike lane, though the plan calls for sharrows instead of a protected bike lane between 69th Street and Broadway. More than 20 blocks of Columbus are in line for the substantial pedestrian safety benefits seen along the existing Columbus Avenue segment — a 41 percent drop in injuries, according to DOT.

Neighborhood advocates fought long and hard to win this street safety improvement, repeatedly encountering resistance from the co-chairs of CB 7’s transportation committee. Next on the agenda for Upper West Side street safety: the transportation committee is meeting this Wednesday to discuss the future of other major avenues in the neighborhood.


Eyes on the Street: Protected Bike Lane Discovered on Columbus Ave

Felix Morales tries out the freshly painted lane on his scooter. Photo: Ken Coughlin After a lot of great advocacy from the Upper West Side Streets Renaissance and a down-to-the-wire vote at Community Board 7 this spring, DOT crews are laying down the first on-street protected bikeway above 34th 59th Street, on Columbus Avenue between […]

Gale Brewer Launches Survey on Columbus Avenue Bike Lane

Since a working group of elected officials and community leaders studied and tweaked the design of the parking-protected bike lane along Columbus Avenue in February, things have been relatively quiet on the Upper West Side. Now that the lane, which runs from 77th to 96th Street, is a year old and residents have had some […]

Eyes on the Street: New Manhattan Bikeways in Progress

Photo contributor extraordinaire Jacob-uptown has uploaded a new batch to the Streetsblog Flickr pool, taking us on a tour of the major new bikeways DOT is implementing in Manhattan. The extension of the First Avenue bike lane from the Queensboro Bridge up to 72nd Street is nearly complete. It’s the first protected bike infrastructure on […]

Defend the Columbus Avenue Bike Lane [Updated]

UPDATE: This meeting has been postponed to next Tuesday. We mentioned this in the calendar post on Monday but it bears repeating: If you support the new Columbus Avenue bike lane and want to see the safety benefits of pedestrian refuges and physically-separated bikeways extend elsewhere on the Upper West Side, come out to the […]