This Week: Queens Bike-Share, Barclays Center Transpo Plan

In a relatively quiet week on the livable streets calendar, the big news will be coming out Tuesday night, when Forest City Ratner presents its transportation plan for the new Barclays Center arena. The plan has been delayed, but should provide important information about promised incentives to use transit and parking for cars and bikes. Based on what’s already been revealed, a common criticism is that the plan doesn’t include sufficient disincentives to drive to the arena.

  • Tonight: Queens Community Board 2 and City Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer host a community planning workshop to help decide where bike-share stations should be sited in Long Island City and Sunnyside. Preliminary maps have already been released for the area. 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday: Barclays Center neighbors get an update on the arena’s transportation demand management plan, which aims to minimize vehicular traffic to the area, from the developer and Empire State Development. 6:00 p.m.
  • Thursday: The Department of Transportation hosts a public workshop to gather community input on the redesign of the Zion Triangle and Legion Street Plaza in Brownsville.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


More Trains, But No Free MetroCards or RPP in Barclays Center Plan

The MTA will be adding extra transit service on Barclays Center game nights. But past promises of free or discounted MetroCards for arena-goers did not materialize in the transportation demand management plan revealed yesterday by developer Forest City Ratner, which local advocates are calling “too little, too late.” Under the plan to reduce the number of people […]

Coalition Calls for Comprehensive Transpo Plan for Northwest Brooklyn

Choked by traffic, Downtown Brooklyn and its surrounding neighborhoods need a comprehensive agenda for transportation — and the current ad hoc approach from the city and state isn’t cutting it in the fast-growing area, says a coalition of community groups, elected officials, and advocates. Last week the coalition unveiled the “BK Gateway Transportation Vision” [PDF], covering a […]

This Week: 4th Avenue, 125th Street Buses, Barclays Center

This week’s calendar highlights include community board meetings on traffic calming in Bay Ridge and 125th Street bus service in Harlem. Here are the details: Monday: Brooklyn Community Board 10’s transportation committee is meeting to vote on a resolution to support DOT’s traffic calming plan for Fourth Avenue in Bay Ridge. If it passes the committee, the […]