Tomorrow: Rally at One Police Plaza Calling on NYPD to Uphold Traffic Laws

Last week, Mathieu Lefevre was biking south on Morgan Avenue in East Williamsburg when he was killed by a truck driver turning right from Morgan onto Meserole Street. The driver parked a short distance away and left the scene. After trying to locate the driver for days, the NYPD finally tracked him down, but as Gothamist’s John Del Signore reported yesterday, they’re not going to file charges. Police say the driver was not aware he struck Lefevre, who died before ambulances reached the scene.

Details about the circumstances of the crash and why police exonerated the driver in a fatal hit-and-run remain scarce. The victim’s family and friends say the police have not been forthcoming.

Juliana Berger, Lefevre’s former wife, told Transportation Alternatives: “I have been with the family since we have received the news on Wednesday. Almost all of the information we have is what we have read in the newspaper. The fact that we have not been properly informed adds insult to injury. The family is trying to cope with this tragedy, but it seems nearly impossible given the lack of information. We can’t bear the fact that other families have likely been given the same treatment and other families are bound to be treated this way if nothing changes.”

Tomorrow, members of Mathieu Lefevre’s family will join TA and Neighbors Allied for Good Growth to call on NYPD and Commissioner Ray Kelly to uphold traffic laws and protect New Yorkers from reckless driving. The rally starts at noon at NYPD headquarters — One Police Plaza — and the public is invited to attend.


Bypassing Courts, NYPD Says Video Cleared Lefevre Hit-and-Run Driver

Court documents reveal that NYPD decided not to charge the hit-and-run driver who struck and killed Brooklyn cyclist Mathieu Lefevre based on video of the crash. While it’s not clear how video footage can prove that the driver didn’t know he had hit Lefevre, it was apparently sufficient evidence for the department’s Accident Investigation Squad. […]

After NYPD Blamed the Victim, Brooklyn DA Will Reconstruct Lefevre Crash

Months after NYPD blamed cyclist Mathieu Lefevre for his own death, prosecutors with the office of Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes continue their investigation into the crash. Meanwhile, the Department of Motor Vehicles has suspended the license of the truck driver who police say fatally struck Lefevre, then left the scene. Hynes’s office has retained […]

Transportation Alternatives Launches Probe Into NYPD Crash Investigations

Transportation Alternatives today delivered over 2,500 citizen letters to Ray Kelly demanding that NYPD crack down on dangerous driving, and announced a comprehensive probe into how the department handles traffic crash investigations. Flanked by dozens of supporters and victims of traffic violence at 1 Police Plaza, TA executive director Paul Steely White excoriated NYPD for […]

DMV Suspends License of Driver Who Killed Mathieu Lefevre for Six Months

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles found the truck driver who killed Brooklyn cyclist Mathieu Lefevre responsible for the collision and suspended his driver’s license for six months. Leonardo Degianni’s DMV safety hearing took place on March 2, three-and-a-half years after he hit Lefevre at the intersection of Morgan Avenue and Meserole Street. At […]