Rumor Mill: City Collecting Data for Car-Free Central Park?

Central Park advocate Ken Coughlin tells us he’s spotted a traffic counting strip on the park loop, near Tavern on the Green.

The theory is that the city is gathering traffic data this summer as a baseline for a car-free park trial next year. That would jibe with recent remarks from Mayor Bloomberg and references to park data collection reported in the Times earlier this month.

Over the spring, supporters of a car-free trial lined up endorsements from every community board surrounding the park, and had hoped to free the park for recreational use from the July 4 weekend until Labor Day. The mayor was unmoved to implement a trial this year, but recently hinted that something might move forward once the city collected sufficient data.

“We are doing studies,” Bloomberg said on July 12. “Until we really can understand the traffic patterns and what effect it will have, we’re just not going to go and rush to do it.”

A request to DOT for confirmation that the city is indeed counting cars in the park was not immediately answered.


Confirmed: DOT Studying More Car-Free Time in Central Park

Last week, automated traffic counters were seen popping up on the loop drive in Central Park. That led many to believe that the Department of Transportation was gathering data to set a baseline for future changes to the hours cars are allowed into the park, a fact which has now been confirmed. Wrote Manhattan DOT […]

T.A.: Car-Free Central Park Would Ease Neighborhood Congestion

A study released this week by Transportation Alternatives undercuts the claim that closing Central Park’s loop drive to cars would increase traffic on the streets of Harlem. To the contrary, findings indicate that loop entrances on 110th street at Malcolm X and Adam Clayton Powell Boulevards "act as traffic magnets," drawing vehicles onto neighborhood streets […]

Council Members Urge Bloomberg to Order Car-Free Prospect Park Trial

Last month, as school-age volunteers presented 10,001 signatures in support of a car-free Prospect Park, three City Council Members — David Yassky, Bill de Blasio and Letitia James — issued a letter to Mayor Bloomberg requesting a three-month car-free pilot program. The full text appears below. The latest push to remove auto traffic from the […]

Upper East Side Joins Chorus of Car-Free Central Park Supporters

The momentum is growing for a summer-long trial of a car-free Central Park. Two weeks ago, the transportation and parks committees of Manhattan Community Board 7, representing the Upper West Side, voted unanimously to support such a trial. Last week, the proposal passed the transportation committee of Midtown’s CB 5, again unanimously. And last night, […]