Congestion Pricing News of the World

We can barely keep up with the international congestion pricing headlines these days:

  • Mumbai, India to Charge Fees for Driving (Mumbai Newsline)
  • Finland: Half of Helsinki Backs Congestion Charge (Newsroom Finland)
  • New Zealand: Pricing Could Ease Traffic Jams, New Study Suggests (Scoop)
  • Singapore: LTA to Expand Electronic Road Pricing (Channel NewsAsia)
  • Charleston E-ZPass Bill Sets the Table for a Toll Hike (Register – Herald)
  • Innovation Needed, Congestion Pricing, Not More Roads, an Answer (SF Chron)
  • Mary Peters: Forget Gas Taxes, Charge for Road Use Instead (Washington Post)
  • Value Pricing Project Quarterly Report (Transportation Research Board)
  • Strategies for Making Existing Road Infrastructure Perform Better (GAO)
  • Principles of Efficient Congestion Pricing by William Vickrey (Columbia U., 1992)

Thanks to Roger Herz.


Don’t Underestimate the Street Safety Benefits of Congestion Pricing

The primary benefits of the Move NY toll reform plan are reducing congestion and funding transit — but don’t overlook the huge potential to improve street safety. Recent research at Lancaster University in the UK suggests that since the introduction of the London congestion charge in 2003, lethal crashes have fallen faster than traffic congestion. The safety gains have even […]

Congestion Charging on the Horizon for China’s Cities

Which Chinese city will be the first to try congestion pricing? Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai — megacities whose populations are on the scale of New York’s? Or second-tier but still mighty cities (think Chicago) like Hangzhou, Nanjing, or Xi’an? Road tolling à la American turnpikes and thruways is already extensive in China, as a means to […]