Video: NYPD Efficiently Deploys Officers to Clip Bikes on Houston Street

Via Gothamist, here’s the Time’s Up video of police in the act of sawing bike locks on Houston Street last Thursday, in preparation for President Obama’s motorcade. Gothamist reports that a lawsuit may be brewing over the massive seizure of bicycles, which police held at the 7th Precinct for owners who were lucky enough to know where to go and could find their property.

Yesterday police officials told the City Council that they just don’t have the resources to open up life-saving street safety information to the public. But, from the looks of it, they still have sufficient manpower to put 10 or more officers on bicycle confiscation duty.


NYPD Celebrates Earth Day With Massive Houston Street Bike Clipping

Photo: Anthony Rebholz/This is FYF Via Gothamist, local blog This is FYF posts this scene from Houston Street earlier today. Apparently, with President Obama due in town for a speech at Cooper Union, NYPD jumped at the chance to drastically overreact by confiscating New Yorkers’ personal property. We haven’t been able to confirm with the […]