Forum: Creating Sustainable Communities Through Public Spaces: Sharing Experiences With Europe

The Project for Public Spaces has enjoyed a long working relationship with the Environmental Partnership, the largest environmental foundation in Central Europe, with programs in six countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria). Together with the partnership, PPS have introduced placemaking through training courses and demonstration projects. Leaders from the partnership will discuss their programs and acheivements in public spaces over the past 15 years.

Attendees at this forum will learn about European experience and projects, including extensive greenways programs, as well as take the opportunity to begin a dialogue about how their innovative work is now relevant to initiatives in our own communities.


A Legal Victory Against Road Expansion in Wisconsin

We got an e-mail yesterday from network member James Rowen, who writes the Political Environment blog in Milwaukee. Rowen wanted to be sure we hadn’t missed his recent posts on last week’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman (we had — so thanks for the heads-up). Adelman’s ruling could delay or halt the ongoing […]

The Citizen Engagement Gap – Crisis or Opportunity?

A roundtable discussion sponsored by the Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development, featuring presentations by leaders from Central and Eastern Europe in addressing environmental challenges through citizen engagement. Project for Public Spaces has been partnering with the Czech Environmental Partnership for over ten years. We are enormously impressed with their work as well as their partner organizations […]

Meet the People Breathing Life Into NYC’s Overlooked Public Spaces

There are two dueling visions of public space in New York City. On one side, tabloid columnists and the police commissioner believe that any problems encountered in Midtown’s public spaces — whether homeless men or hustling desnudas — should be fixed by replacing space for people with good old-fashioned car traffic. On the other side are residents and […]

Public Spaces, Now More Than Ever

Is the whole plummeting economy thing forcing you take stock of what you truly value in life? Yep, us too. And we’ll take a wild guess that accessible, beautiful public spaces are on the short list for you as well. Photo by Petra and Baby Z via Flickr. Which is why, today on the Streetsblog […]