Streetfilms: “Stop the Pollution, Pick a Solution”

Ever heard an anti-idling rap? Or Seen the "Funky Pollution Dance?" Tune in to this video to see what Livable Streets Education students are up to at MS 51 in Park Slope, Brooklyn.


This Week: Streetfilms, 34th Street, Shoup

This week’s calendar action kicks off in a big way with tonight’s Streetfilms soiree, followed by a Thursday trifecta and topped off with a visit from everyone’s favorite parking pundit. Tonight: Celebrate Streetfilms with The Open Planning Project and special guest Veronica Moss. 6 p.m. There are three events on Thursday: Brooklyn Community Board 2 […]

Streetfilms: Scenes From Summer Streets

Saturday was the second of three Summer Streets this August, with car-free streets along Park Avenue and Lafayette Street from 72nd Street to the Brooklyn Bridge. Couldn’t make it yourself? Clarence Eckerson Jr. from Streetfilms, as always, has got you covered. Clarence says he was particularly struck by how many people pedaled the route using […]

Streetfilms: Tour de Brooklyn 2008

Over 2,000 cyclists enjoyed a picture perfect Tour de Brooklyn on Saturday. Of course, Streetfilms’ Clarence Eckerson was in the thick of it: This year’s event was moved a week early to coincide with the anniversary of the Brooklyn Bridge’s 125th birthday. Among the highlights of the jaunt was a ride thru the Evergreen Cemetery […]

Streetfilms: Tour de Brooklyn 2009

Thousands of riders turned out for Sunday’s 5th Annual Tour de Brooklyn, sponsored by Transportation Alternatives. Elizabeth Press caught the action for Streetfilms, filming cyclists along the 23-mile route, which started and ended in Coney Island. According to TA, more than 2,000 participated in this year’s ride, with all online registration slots reserved in less […]