Paris Set for Invasion of Self-Service Bicycles reports:

Paris is bracing for a transport revolution later this year with the arrival of more than 20,000 self-service bicycles thanks to a deal between city hall and one of the world’s leading suppliers of urban advertising.

A contract signed Monday with JCDecaux gives the French firm access to more than 1,600 hoardings and other publicity sites, but also requires it to provide a mass system of cheap cycles-for-hire.

By the end of the year JCDecaux has undertaken to set up 1,451 stations, where customers can use swipe-cards to rent some 20,600 cycles for journeys around the capital. The bikes can be deposited at any station, and then picked up by new users.

A similar system has been run by JCDecaux since 2005 in the
southeastern city of Lyon, where city authorities have hailed it as a
major success in the campaign to reduce motor transport.

Examples of Lyon’s bicycle stations are available here.

Photo: Phil Moore/Flickr 


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